Epic Paddle II - Day 11

July 2, 2015



Start: Tolchester Beach
End: Betterton
Estimate Leg: 16 miles
Actual Leg: 16.4 miles
Estimate Cumulative: 198 miles
Actual Cumulative: 209.6 miles


EP2 Day 11


The benefits of staying at a place like The Inn at Mitchell House far outweight the detractions - one of which is that because you never want to skip a great breakfast, you never get on the water until about 10 am or so. When high tide was about 7:30 am, you know that the price you pay for breakfast will be working it off by slogging against a stiff outgoing current. So the day started out OK because I could hug the shore and stay out of the worst of the current, but then when I hit the large cove between Stoops Pt and Wortens Pt, I decided to just fight my way across rather than add the distance required to to stay next to the shore. Was able to maintain a little over 3 MPH, which meant that I was going against a 1–2 MPH current. Saw a barge lumbering past - not much faster than I was going - so I know that I wasn’t the only one that picked the wrong time of day to make headway up the bay.

Tug and barge heading up the Elk River to the canal
Tug and barge heading up the Elk River to the canal

Mike, our host for Day 1 and Day 2 had heard about some cliffs similar to the Calvert Cliffs further up the bay. As I got close to Wortons Point, I’m wondering if this wasn’t what he was referring to. In any case, the landscape has changed significantly from the southern portion of the bay: the shore at the foot of these cliffs are gravel, and strewn with huge trees that after centurys of erosion have tumbled over the edge of the receding land.

Cliffs at Worton Pt
Cliffs at Worton Pt

I called Ruth when I was about 45 minutes out - having made very slow progress against the current I wanted to let her know that I was OK but late regarding my initial estimate. She was having a great time looking for sea glass along the beach. I saw her when I came around the corner at Betterton, head-down staring at the sand right in front of her as she walked slowly. I came in to the shallows, pulled my boat up onto the beach, took off my PFD, and walked halfway towards her before she even looked up: “Oh! You’re here!” I don’t think she was very worried about me.

Late lunch at Lemon Leaf Cafe in Chestertown, then back to The Inn at Mitchell House. Ruth had a few hours that morning and early afternoon to explore Chestertown, with some prime thrift-store locations provided by our host Tracey. I reminded Tracey that we had a Prius, and that Ruth would need to reserve room for her husband and his boat. Ruth reassured me that she would not buy too much, but I figured I better be on good behavior if I expected to have a slot in the car from now on: the boat rides on top and probably won’t have much competition from thrift store fodder, but I ride inside the vehicle, and that is prime storage space.

Remy and Sky - Romping the grounds at the Mitchell House
Remy and Sky - Romping the grounds at the Mitchell House

Tomorrow: On To Havre De Grace MD!
